Now as for the books and juice boxes, that is easily explained. I recently (as in before the chalk art today) had the opportunity to attend a Q&A and book signing with the wonderful Charlaine Harris, she of what has been come to be known as the "True Blood" books. I went with a friend, seriously. And while in line, I enjoyed the company of some very nice fans, including a charmer in a blue hoodie as seen below (though I remember it being purple under the tungsten lights). In truth, I wouldn't mind a bit more conversation in my life. Hey, I can't spend all my time behind a lens. For one thing, I'm sure it would make my butt look big. And yes, somewhere in there is the not so subtle hint that I am not the brightest crayon in the box.
As for the juice box, I had one. It came with my kids meal. And if you found that last statement surprising, you certainly haven't been reading my blog.

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